Frequently Asked Questions

What is ScripQuiz?

ScripQuiz is a professional, easy-to-use online Bible Quiz system, that allows you to test your Bible knowledge.

Can i participate in events without registration?

You have to be a registered member to participate in quiz.

How do i participate in quiz?

Register with ScripQuiz. Verify your email, mobile and submit your personal details. Upon completion of this registration process, you will be able to participate in ScripQuiz events.

What are the minimum prerequisites for ScripQuiz participation?

You must be at least 13 years old and capable of reading and understanding Tamil or English.

Do i need to pay anything to participate in quiz?

You dont have to pay anything. All quizzes are absolutely free.

What languages are the quizzes available in?

As of now, the scripture quiz is only available in Tamil. Soon we will start quiz events in English.

Can i participate in quiz whenever i want to do?

No. Every quiz will be opened for a certain period of time. You can participate within the timeframe which the quiz status is open.

How long will be the quiz remain opened?

It depends on quiz category and level. Time varies from a minimum of 1 hour to maximum of 7 days.

I can't find an answer to my question.

Please send your question using our contact form.